The institute’s objective is the promotion of basic scientific research or applied research in emerging fields of complex systems and complexity.
ISCN intends to promote fundamental and applied research on cutting-edge and emergent field that is complex dynamic networks targeting theoritical developments and socio-economic applications.
ISCN aims to assist holders of interdisciplinary projects, facilitate and catalyse connections that may be more difficult to establish elsewhere. It must provide a framework to ensure synergy and proper development of these emergening projects.
It must so provide a visible base for inter-institutional and multidisciplinary cooperations, including the assistance in order to develop transverse projects and workshops in Normandy and beyond.
- Federate and structure the research efforts on its themes, carried by a kernel in Normandy while deploying them for national and international issues;
- Create or integrate into new structures or networks of research on several levels scale, regional, national and international, including serving as a relay for RNSC (National Network of Complex Systems) and CSS (Complex System Society);
- Disseminate scientific information and promote scientific exchange;
- Promote the approach and results of his research to the academic community and to the industrial community, using existing structures (Campus, competitiveness clusters, GRR, ANR, Europa).
ISCN does not replace neither laboratories, neither existing federations, but it aims to be a working space for multidisciplinary approaches, bringing together actors from many research institutions.
ISCN is divided into themes that include actions and research projects.
- Aziz-Alaoui M.A., Professor Email: LMAH – EA 3821, University of Le Havre 25 Rue Philipe Lebon, BP 540, Le Havre cedex, France. Phone: +33 232 744 316; Fax : +33 232 744 314.
- Bertelle Cyrille, Professor Email: LITIS – EA 4051, University of Le Havre 25 Rue Philipe Lebon, BP 540, Le Havre cedex, France Phone: +33 232 744 317; Fax: +33 232 744 314